
Kirby Cane Charities

About us (continued)


Governance and operation

KCC is managed by trustees, nominated by the parish council and church wardens. It is both regulated and supported by the Charity Commission (for further details see Beneficiaries and Trustees). Much of how the Charity works is explained within the governance scheme (which has  been approved by the Charity Commission). The document used internally by the charity, is available to the public (you will require a PDF reader to view it).


Donations to parishioners or organisations

Information is on the parish noticeboard, at Kirby Cane Memorial Hall, and in the parish magazine (when necessary) which invites anyone requiring help, or knowing of a deserving person or cause, to contact the secretary (see *Beneficiaries). 
*Please note – Only applications from people or organisations that have a direct connection with Kirby Cane, and whose needs meet the criteria for the Objects of the Charity will be considered by the KCC Trustees.
Applications for aid are, of course, treated as confidential.



The Trustees meet, as and when necessary, to consider the requests received and to decide how the net income will be used.

The Trustees present a report at the Annual Parish Meeting of Kirby Cane & Ellingham Parish Council.
Any changes to the scheme of governance or the Trustees are given to the Charity Commission and published on their web site, as are the annual income and outgoings of KCC.